Hi, I'm about to write a book using a structure. The desire is to get this like contents of the table of contents : Chapter 1 Title Part 1 Title 1. 2. Part 2 Title 1. 2. Part 3 Title 1. 2. Chapter 2 Title Part 1 Title 1. 2. Part 2 Title 1. 2. Part 3 Title 1. 2. ########################## lesson.tex \project manual \startproduct lesson \startfrontmatter \component titlepage \component contents \stopfrontmatter \startbodymatter \component chapter-1 \component chapter-2 \stopbodymatter \stopproduct ############################ chapter-1.tex \startcomponent chapter-1 \component activities-1 \component synthesis-1 \component training-1 \stopcomponent ############################# Thanks, Fabrice