Hans Hagen wrote:
Vit Zyka wrote:
Dear ConTeXters,
for PDF document one can set /PageLayout. It is a mode in which reader shows us pages (Single, Continous, Facing, ...). in ConTeXt one can set
which set layout /TwoColumnRight (understand two facing continuous pages with odd pages on the right side). Since PDF 1.5 there is a possibility to set 3 more layouts:
/TwoColumnLeft /TwoPageRight /TwoPageLeft
I poropose to incorporate next lines of code to sources to enable setting of these layouts
% double=facing, column=continuous, right|left=where odd page \setupinteractionscreen[ option=doublecolumnleft, option=doublepageright, option=doublepageleft, option=doublecolumnright, % for compatibility = doublesided option=doublecolumn, % for simplicity = doublecolumnright option=doublepage, % for simplicity = doublepageright ]
another option is (less new keywords)
option={doublesided,left,continue} % any order
Much cleverer! But in this case there is a backward incompatibility {doublesided,continue} = current {doublesided} {doublesided} = would mean NONcontinuous Actually whenever I wanted to use facing layout, I wanted NONcontinuous. So I do not bother with this backward incompatibility. May be somebody else do? Vit
These names are derrived from curren naming convention (doublesided) and PDF names. May be we can use more intuitive variants: option=facingright, option=facingleft, option=facingcontinuousright, option=facingcontinuousleft,
Sorry I know English and Czech interface only and for FDF driver. May be somebody add more.
Proposal: ----------------------------------------------------------------- % mult-con.tex \startvariables dutch english german czech italian romanian french
doublecolumnright: doublecolumnright doublecolumnright doublecolumnright dvasloupcevpravo doublecolumnright doublecolumnright doublecolumnright doublecolumnleft: doublecolumnleft doublecolumnleft doublecolumnleft dvasloupcevlevo doublecolumnleft doublecolumnleft doublecolumnleft doublecolumn: doublecolumn doublecolumn doublecolumn dvasloupce doublecolumn doublecolumn doublecolumn doublepageright: doublepageright doublepageright doublepageright dvestrankyvpravo doublepageright doublepageright doublepageright doublepageleft: doublepageleft doublepageleft doublepageleft dvestrankyvlevo doublepageleft doublepageleft doublepageleft doublepage: doublepage doublepage doublepage dvestranky doublepage doublepage doublepage \stopvariables
% core-int \setvalue{\??sc\c!option\v!doublecolumnright}{4} % compatibility \setvalue{\??sc\c!option\v!doublecolumnleft}{5} % new \setvalue{\??sc\c!option\v!doublepageright}{6} % new \setvalue{\??sc\c!option\v!doublepageleft}{7} % new \setvalue{\??sc\c!option\v!doublecolumn}{4} % compatibility \setvalue{\??sc\c!option\v!doublepage}{6} % compatibility
% spec-fdf.tex \def\doPDFsetupscreen#1#2#3#4#5#6% watch the extra argument {\bgroup \xdef\currentPDFpagemode {\ifnum#6=4 /PageLayout /TwoColumnRight \else\ifnum#6=5 /PageLayout /TwoColumnLeft \else\ifnum#6=6 /PageLayout /TwoPageRight \else\ifnum#6=7 /PageLayout /TwoPageLeft \else /PageMode \ifcase#6 /UseNone\or/FullScreen\or/UseOutlines\else/UseNone\fi \fi\fi\fi\fi}% \xdef\currentPDFviewerprefs % space after #6 needed, else \relax {\ifcase#6 \or\or\else /ViewerPreferences << /FitWindow true
\fi}% \egroup}