20 Mar
20 Mar
8:25 a.m.
Hello, I have solved my old question connected with preflight and overprinting of pure text. Now I am able to have clean output, the last warning (just info) is about the fact context files have fonts embedded like CID Type 1 fonts. I am using this colors setup: \definecolor[cmykblack][c=0,m=0,y=0,k=1] \setupcolors[rgb=no,cmyk=yes,spot=yes,textcolor=cmykblack,intent=overprint] This works well for the body. For footnotes I need to use this: \def\numfoo#1{\startcolorintent[overprint] #1 \stopcolorintent} \setupnotation[footnote][numbercommand=\numfoo,before={\startcolorintent[overprint]},after={\stopcolorintent}] Just want to share that. Honza