On my system I already have Cygwin. I want to install the standalone Context.
Which involves basically:
mkdir -o /opt/context
cd /opt/context
wget "http://minimals.contextgarden.net/setup/first-setup.sh
chmod 744 first-setup.sh
#this works up to this point only partially.
- /opt/context/tex is not installed. This is a bad error. It causes
- first-setup.sh to fail.
And what is loaded will cause conflicts with cygwin which already exists, I believe.
I can't see why rsync is use to load anothe versio of rsync in a diff location.
#1. Why does 1st setup duplicate Cygwin dlls? I've hurd that having multiple
cygwin*.dlls can cause problems. Besideds They already exist and so does
luatex.exe for that matter. 'first-setup.sh' should know that it does a test
for CYGWIN, but doesn't seem to do anything with it.
#2. Also redundant and confusing is first-setup.sh forces the fetching of rsync by
an already existing rsync. Is rsync already exists, why fetch another one and
put it in a different location.
I have texlive for unix on a cygwin platform, on top of an XP system.
I want to make installing the standalone easy for cyginw and linux.
# Firstly, exactly what packages are needed for context?
# I assume it's one or more of the mtx prefixed programs below. Please advise.
- mtx-update.lua
- mtxrun.exe
- mtxrun.dll
- mtxrun.lua
- lua52.dll
- luatex.dll Is this needed in addition to luatex.exe?
- luatex.exe