Am 07.01.2013 um 22:49 schrieb Marco Patzer
On 2013–01–07 Hans Hagen wrote:
buffers (or blocks)
Buffers apparently can't be used before the content is defined, but it works for blocks (I never used them). Test:
\defineblock [bar]
buf: \getbuffer[foo] BBBBBBBBBBB
\startbuffer[foo] buf: AAAAAAAAAAA \stopbuffer
\useblocks [bar] DDDDDDDDDDD
\beginbar block: CCCCCCCCCCC \endbar
Is there a reason why the blocks favour begin/end instead of start/stop? Looks weird somehow.
Blocks use begin/end to allow the same name for the environment as other commands, e.g. for exams: \defineblock[question] \defineblock[answer] \hideblocks[answer] \defineenumeration[question] \defineenumeration[answer] \starttext \chapter{Questions} % Show only the question blocks \beginquestion \startquestion First question. \stopquestion \endquestion \beginanswer \startasnwer Answer to the first question. \stopanswer \endanswer \chapter{Answers} % Show the question with the corresponding answer \useblocks[question,answer] \stoptext Wolfgang