On Thu, 23 Apr 2009 17:10:29 +0200
"R. Bastian"
On Thu, 23 Apr 2009 16:55:56 +0200 "R. Bastian"
scribit: On Thu, 23 Apr 2009 10:26:40 -0400 (EDT) Aditya Mahajan
scribit: On Thu, 23 Apr 2009, R. Bastian wrote:
I am new on this list. I use pftex and would use ConTeXt installed with texlive/2007.
'ruby' and 'pdftex' work fine, but 'texexec' (texexec.rb "$@") is very slow.
Where con I get the doc or what shall I do ?
I do not know if this is related or not...but
Occasionally I also find that texexec is extremely slow. (Takes about a minute to initiate and then runs fine). This happens, when my internet connection is in a bad state (which means that ping to a server also time out). In that situation texmfstart takes ages to get a response from drb. Whenever I kill the process by ^C, the interupt is in the call to drb. I do not remember the exact interupt message, but I will try to get more information when this happens the next time. If I avoid texmfstart, ie, run ruby $TEXMFCONTEXT/scripts/context/ruby/texexec.rb directly, it runs fine.
"ruby $TEXMFCONTEXT/scripts/context/ruby/texexec.rb <texfile>"
Haha ! with this tip I get an error message from 'pdftex' : libstdc++.so.5 ... No such file ...
The libstdc++6 is installed. What can I do ?
I installed libstdc++5 - now pdftex complains "cant find ... 'cont-en.fmt' "
i dont know if it is of interest for you: - I switched back to TL2007 (now pdftex finds 'cont-en') - texexec source.tex compiles 3 min 14 sec for 1 page of pdf - pdftex -fmt cont-en compiles 1 sec and produces a dvi file Thanks for your help.