Struggling against a deadline here so apologies for no full sample. I have a gradient fill defined using \startuseMPgraphic{mpos:par:mylearnobj} path p; for i = 1 upto nofmultipars : p := multipars[1] topenlarged 8pt bottomenlarged 8pt leftenlarged 3cm ; color ca ; ca := \MPcolor{greenthirty} ; color cb ; cb := \MPcolor{white} ; sh := define_linear_shade(origin, origin shifted (120mm,0), ca, cb) ; fill p withshade sh ; endfor; \stopuseMPgraphic This works if the colour "greenthirty" is defined as a CMYK colour \definecolor[TAXBgreenthirty][c=.3,m=0,y=.057,k=.069] but, inevitably, my printer wants it defined as a spot ink, and when I do this: \definecolor[PantoneThreeOneFourFive][c=1,m=0,y=.19,k=.23] \definespotcolor[TAXBgreenthirty][PantoneThreeOneFourFive][p=.3] the gradient turns to black instead of green. (The spot colour definition works fine in the rest of the document, just not in the gradient fill.) Could someone possibly let me know if it is even possible to define a gradient using a spot colour, or if I should instead revert to some alternative solution. Thanks, Duncan