Am 15.01.2009 um 18:26 schrieb Duncan Hothersall:
Hello all.
I have adapted a bit of MP code from Aditya from a mailing list message dated 2006-05-19 (http://archive.contextgarden.net/message/20060519.214124.9174ac0e.en.html ) to ensure that when a page break occurs in a textbackground there is a forced vertical space inside the box at the top of the new page.
This code works fine for me (although interestingly not in the garden):
\startuseMPgraphic{mpos:par:myexample} path p; for i = 1 upto nofmultipars : p := multipars[1] topenlarged 8pt bottomenlarged 8pt;
p := multipars[1] topenlarged 8pt bottomenlarged 8pt smoothed 2mm ;
fill p withcolor 0.9white ; draw p withcolor black withpen pencircle scaled \MPvar{linewidth}; endfor; \stopuseMPgraphic
[mp = mpos:par:myexample ,location=paragraph,leftoffset=1em,rightoffset=1em,rulethickness=1pt]
\starttext \input knuth \endgraf \starttextbackground[ExampleBackground] \dorecurse{13}{\input knuth \endgraf} \stoptextbackground \input knuth \endgraf \stoptext
But now I need to make this box have rounded corners, and I am very confused when reading core-pgr.tex because that is a level of MP code I just don't understand.
Would somebody please be able to tell me what to change in the above to make the corners of the box rounded (with a radius of 2mm)?
The smoothed function is explained in the MetaFun manual. Wolfgang