Am 04.04.2011 um 01:22 schrieb Tim Steenvoorden:
Thanks Peter! You are right it is easier to draw both the wave and the line in Metapost. And the dx=-\cutspace is just what I needed for left pages!
I striped the frames out of the code and placed just the graphics in the layer with a reuseMPgraphic. Also, I pulled out the definition of the wave into a MPinclusions. I have to do LoadPageState in each graphic though.
%\showframe \setuppapersize[A5][A5] \setuppagenumbering[alternative=doublesided]
\startMPinclusions numeric periods, width; path wave; periods := 3 + 1/4; width := periods * 2*pi; wave := origin for x=0 step 0.1 until width: .. (x,x*sin(x)) endfor; \stopMPinclusions
\startreusableMPgraphic{rightwave} LoadPageState; pickup pencircle scaled 1pt; draw origin -- (TextWidth,0) -- wave xscaled (CutSpace/width) yscaled (LineHeight/width) shifted (TextWidth,0); %setbounds currentpicture to unitsquare xscaled (TextWidth+CutSpace); \stopreusableMPgraphic
\startreusableMPgraphic{leftwave} LoadPageState; pickup pencircle scaled 1pt; draw reverse wave xscaled (-1*CutSpace/width) yscaled (LineHeight/width) -- (TextWidth,0); \stopreusableMPgraphic
\definelayer[decorations][position=yes,option=test] \setupbackgrounds[page][background=decorations]
{\ss\bfc A chapter title} \blank[small] {\ss\bfx \date \hfill Author Name} \setlayer[decorations][location=r]{\reuseMPgraphic{rightwave}}
\input knuth
{\ss\bfc A very long chapter title on two or more lines} \blank[small] {\ss\bfx \date \hfill Author Name} \setlayer[decorations][location=r,dx=-\cutspace]{\reuseMPgraphic{leftwave}}
\input knuth
Just one problem is left. The graphic occupies space in the text layer as if the location was set to rb. If you place it with the position=no option, it is properly placed in the background and it doesn't disturb the text. Is this a bug or a feature?
I tried to play a bit with the bounding boxes, but I think I don't understand them that well.
Your problem is that you use {\ss\bfc …} etc. to place the title rather than contexts \title command where you can define your own command. With such a command you can put all text in a frame with your graphic a background. - http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Generate_Authorlist_from_Head_Content - http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Titles#A_complex_graphical_element_under_the_c... Wolfgang