While reading the ConTeXt Manual I tried the following two commands, which didn't work. Here is the sample souce. \starttext First line. %\hskip With text here, this causes an compile time error. \hskip3em Indented?\crlf \hskip 3em Indented?\crlf \hskip3cm Indented?\crlf %\sym{on} This causes an error. %\sym{$\diamond$} This causes an error. %\sym{$\diamondsuit$} This causes an error. Last line. \stoptext What happened to \hskip and \sym ? Or what am I doing wrong? One further question. I tried nopping \before, \after, \between, and the none, and joinedup option but could not suppress white space occurring after \startitemize and the 1st \item. I tried looking in the garden as well, but had no luck. I believe th e information is in there but I couldn't find it after a hour or so. So please inform me as to how can tell ConTeXt how much space, including none, to place between the an item header (or none) and the list??? I'd appreciate the assistance in learning who to do this.