On Wed, 9 May 2007 23:31:00 +0200, Henning Hraban Ramm wrote:
Am 2007-05-09 um 13:47 schrieb Steffen Wolfrum:
\startlilypond % Telemann, TWV 40:11 \version "2.6.3"
far tool old! use the latest LilyPond 2.10.x! (the module works only with LilyPond > 2.8, as mentioned on the wiki page)
\relative c’ {
You've always ’ instead of ' -- that can't work! We need code, not typography!
Pardon?! The example you refer to is from the recent version of "t-lilypond.pdf" from ctan as I wrote in my initial posting (see below). As I had to start somewhere, I thought it's a good start to use the most recent versions of lilypond-2.10.23-1.darwin-x86.tar.bz2 from lilypond.org, t-lilypond.pdf from ctan and t-lilypond.tex that you have posted here last week. I have no idea why this leads to statements like "far tool old" and "We need code, not typography!". But it seems something is wrong here. Steffen On Wed, 9 May 2007 13:47:53 +0200, Steffen Wolfrum wrote: ...
I found lilypond mentioned on the list, downloaded lilypond-2.10.23-1.darwin-x86.tar.bz2 from lilypond.org, t-lilypond.pdf from ctan and t-lilypond.tex posted by Henning here.
When I typeset texexec test.test this test file ...
\startlilypond % Telemann, TWV 40:11 \version "2.6.3" \relative c’ { \set Staff.instrument = flute \key fis \minor \time 3/4 \partial 4 r8 fis’8 | fis4. cis8 a cis | fis, a cis fis a fis | b, d fis b d b | eis,, gis cis eis gis b, | a fis’ gis, fis’ cis eis | fis,4 r8 a’ gis fis | e gis, a e’ fis cis | d fis, gis b e d | cis4 \trill r8 cis b a | b dis e gis cis, b | a e’ dis fis b, a | gis4 \trill r8 } \stoplilypond