Hello list, I am trying to get my references that have URLs to automatically set the entry title to the URL and not print the URL after it. Here is a minimal: \startbuffer[testdata] @Article{wikipedia2024_depeche_mode_sounds_of_the_universe, author = {{Wikipedia contributors}}, title = {Sounds of the Universe}, year = {2024}, url = {https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Sounds_of_the_Universe&oldid=1224785220}, note = "[Online; accessed 20-May-2024]" } \stopbuffer % Setup bibliography... % Select References.bib and name it the main database... \usebtxdataset[main][testdata.buffer] % Citation style... \usebtxdefinitions[apa] % Use our main dataset for citations... \setupbtx[dataset=main] \definebtxrendering[main][apa][dataset=main] \setupbtxrendering[main][ pagestate=start, continue=yes, numbering=yes] % Macro to put the citations as footnotes... \unexpanded\def\footnotecite{\dodoubleempty\domycite} \def\domycite[#1][#2]% {\ifsecondargument \footnote{\alwayscite[alternative=entry,#1][main::#2]}% \else \footnote{\alwayscite[alternative=entry][main::#1]}% \fi} \starttext Some footnote.\footnotecite[wikipedia2024_depeche_mode_sounds_of_the_universe] \stoptext The footnote renders like so: Wikipedia contributors (2024). Sounds of the Universe. Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Sounds_of_the_Universe&oldid =1224785220 ([Online; accessed 20-May-2024]) It would look much better if it looked like so: Wikipedia contributors (2024). Sounds of the Universe. ([Online; accessed 20-May-2024]) ...where "Sounds of the Universe" is linked to the URL in the BibTeX database. Is this possible to do? -- Kip Warner OpenPGP signed/encrypted mail preferred https://www.thevertigo.com