Dear List, I am trying to get the IBM wordcloud java application working with the filter module on MS Windows. This configuration does not create the wordcloud png file. The in and out files "naamloos-10-temp-wordcloud-x.tmp" are actually created. If this configuration correct? Java is installed and I am indicating absolute file locations. Thanks, Jeroen \usemodule[filter] \defineexternalfilter [wordcloud] [filtercommand={/Program Files/Java/jre1.8.0_181/bin/java -jar /context/wordcloud/ibm-word-cloud.jar -c /context/wordcloud/examples/configuration.txt -w 800 -h 600 -o \externalfilteroutputfile\space -i \externalfilterinputfile}, output=\externalfilterbasefile.png, readcommand=\ExternalFigure, continue=yes, purge=no,] \def\ExternalFigure#1{\externalfigure[#1]} \starttext \startwordcloud %[width=100] Thus, I came to the conclusion that the designer of a new system must not only be the implementer and first large||scale user; the designer should also write the first user manual. The separation of any of these four components would have hurt \TeX\ significantly. If I had not participated fully in all these activities, literally hundreds of improvements would never have been made, because I would never have thought of them or perceived why they were important. But a system cannot be successful if it is too strongly influenced by a single person. Once the initial design is complete and fairly robust, the real test begins as people with many different viewpoints undertake their own experiments. \stopwordcloud \stoptext