I believe Hans Hagen said this around Sun, 10 Nov 2002:
! Unable to make mpx file. l.14 init_numbers(btex $-$etex, btex$1$etex, btex${\times}10$etex, The two files given above are one of your source files and an auxiliary file I need to read to find out what your btex..etex blocks mean. If you don't know why I had trouble, try running it manually through MPto -tex, TeX, and DVItoMP.
you have a name clash with a system file (somewhere else in your tex path); this can be solved by making sure that in case of context, tex searches on the local path first (can be done in texmf.cnf); i'm a bit puzzled, because context should make a fake file on the current path). Another option is to protect your temp job files with (in cont-sys.tex):
I just wanted to jump in here as someone who has also had exactly this error when using mp-graph. It still has not entirely gone away (I try to run "mpost mpgraph", and I still get the above error... that points to the problem not being in ConTeXt alone), but Hans suggested a patch for me last week... HH, 30 October 2002:
Maybe something has changed to graph.mp (esp the trigger for reloading it),
in mp-form add a line at the top:
boolean mant_font ; mant_font := true ;
this will prevent loading form.mp (which is replaced by a sligthly extended version mp-form) and therefore loading of texnum
This indeed helped all graphs when running them through context, but the underlying metapost problem remains when trying to run raw MP files with 'mpost'. FYI, I found the form.mp file Hans writes about in texmf/ metapost/context/mp-form.mp, at least in my TeXLive 7 install. (Hmm... could this be a problem to TeXLive people?) Good luck, adam -- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Adam Lindsay +44(0)1524 594 537 atl@comp.lancs.ac.uk http://www.comp.lancs.ac.uk/computing/users/atl/ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=