Hi all, experimenting with transparencies, I have obviously come to a limitation: color shading does not work for transparent colors. What I have in mind is a bar filled with a color gradient, starting from a certain (non-transparent) color and ending transparent, i.e. vanishing into the background. However, the transparent color appears just black. Furthermore, the shading variants for linear_shade do not correspond with those listed in the metafun manual, page 180. Variant 2 is missing and behaves like variant 3 should. Example: \setupcolors[state=start] \setupbackgrounds[page][background=color,backgroundcolor=red] \startMPenvironment[global] \definecolor[HeadLineColor][r=0,g=0,b=1] \definecolor[Transparent][r=1,g=1,b=1,t=0,a=normal] \stopMPenvironment \startreusableMPgraphic{test} numeric u; u=3cm; path p; p := unitsquare xscaled u yscaled u cornered (u/10); for i=0 upto 3 : linear_shade(p shifted(i*u,0),i,\MPcolor{HeadLineColor},\MPcolor{Transparent}); endfor; \stopreusableMPgraphic \starttext \reuseMPgraphic{test} \stoptext -- Eckhart