Am 30.03.2012 um 17:39 schrieb Steffen Fritzsche:
nice surprise, with the latest beta my document just grew 15 pages ;)
On a closer look, it turned out that the numbering of my body part is not reset to 1, instead it continues with the next number after my frontpart. Here is how I did set this up long time ago:
\startsectionblockenvironment[frontpart] \setupheader [before={\ss\switchtobodyfont[10pt]}]
\setupheader[style={\switchtobodyfont[ss,10pt]}] or use \definefont[HeaderFont][Sans at 10pt] in combination with \setupheader[style=HeaderFont]
\setupheadertexts [section][pagenumber][pagenumber][chapter] \setuppagenumbering [alternative=doublesided, partnumber=no, location=, style={\ss\bold}]
The partnumber setting is now controlled by the prefix for the pagenumber. A better value for the style key is “style=sansbold”, “style=\ss\bf” or “style=\ssbf”. Wolfgang