On Tue, 2024-06-18 at 18:48 +0200, Hans Hagen wrote:
then use \alwayscite
Hey Hans. I note that command is not documented (yet) so thank you for providing that. That works in getting the reference typeset without having to list all of them. That at least gets the reference to typeset, but back to the original issue, it still doesn't typeset correctly. I've managed to come up with a minimal that displays the garbled reference: \startbuffer[testdata] @Book{cicero-tuscu2011, author = {Cicéron, Marcus Tullius}, editor = {Fohlen, G.}, publisher = {Les Belles Lettres}, title = {Tusculanes}, year = {2011}, address = {Paris}, edition = {7e tirage}, isbn = {9782251010830}, series = {œuvres philosophiques}, volume = {1}, ppn_gvk = {1823774121}, translator = {Jules Humbert}, } \stopbuffer % Setup bibliography... % Select References.bib and name it the main database... \usebtxdataset[main][testdata.buffer] % Citation style... \usebtxdefinitions[apa] % Use our main dataset for citations... \setupbtx[dataset=main] \definebtxrendering[main][apa][dataset=main] \setupbtxrendering[main][ pagestate=start, continue=yes, numbering=yes] % Macro to put the citations as footnotes... \unexpanded\def\footnotecite{\dodoubleempty\domycite} \def\domycite[#1][#2]% {\ifsecondargument \footnote{\alwayscite[alternative=entry,#1][main::#2]}% \else \footnote{\alwayscite[alternative=entry][main::#1]}% \fi} \starttext Some footnote.\footnotecite[cicero-tuscu2011] \stoptext If I use ConTeXt via https://context-on-web.eu/, which appears to be ConTeXt ver: 2022.12.22 22:17 LMTX fmt: 2022.12.23, it works fine and I see the following in the footnote, as expected: 1 Cicéron, M. T. (2011). Tusculanes (G. Fohlen, Ed.) (J. Humbert, Trans.). (Vol. 1, 7e tirage ed.). Paris: Les Belles Lettres. But on my machine which has ConTeXt 2023.05.05, I see the following: 1 internal()Cicéron, M. T. (2011). Tusculanes (G. Fohlen, Ed.) (J. Humbert, Trans.). (Vol. 1, 7e tirage ed.). Paris: Les Belles Lettres. isbn∶9782251010830 -- Kip Warner OpenPGP signed/encrypted mail preferred https://www.thevertigo.com