Even this goes wrong: \edef\mychar{Ä}\mychar The real reason is that \dobuildtextaccent and \nobuildtextaccent are protected macros. Error log: {\edef} Ä->\Adiaeresis \Adiaeresis ->\dohandlecharacter {Adiaeresis} \dohandlecharacter #1->\csname \ifcsname \characterencoding #1\endcsname \chara cterencoding \else \nocharacterencoding \fi #1\endcsname #1<-Adiaeresis {\csname} {\ifcsname} \characterencoding ->@default@ {true} \characterencoding ->@default@ {\else} \@default@Adiaeresis ->\buildtextaccent \textdiaeresis A \buildtextaccent ->\ifignoreaccent \expandafter \nobuildtextaccent \else \expan dafter \dobuildtextaccent \fi {\iffalse} {false} {\expandafter} {\fi} <========= \dobuildtextaccent ( protected ) is not expanded after \fi \textdiaeresis ->\dohandlecharacter {textdiaeresis} \dohandlecharacter #1->\csname \ifcsname \characterencoding #1\endcsname \chara cterencoding \else \nocharacterencoding \fi #1\endcsname #1<-textdiaeresis {\csname} {\ifcsname} \characterencoding ->@default@ {true} \characterencoding ->@default@ {\else} \@default@textdiaeresis ->\char 127 \mychar ->\dobuildtextaccent \char 127 A \dobuildtextaccent #1#2->{\let \char \normalaccent #1\let \char \normalchar #2} #1<-\char #2<-1 {begin-group character {} {\let} {\accent} ! Missing number, treated as zero. <to be read again> \let \dobuildtextaccent ... \char \normalaccent #1\let \char \normalchar #2} \mychar ->\dobuildtextaccent \char 1 27 A l.21 \edef\mychar{Ä}\mychar ? x Simon On Sat, Feb 08, 2003 at 09:52:54PM +0100, Simon Pepping wrote:
I have an expansion problem in natural tables. I need to have this:
but \XMLflush{revremark} must be expanded. When I do that using \expanded,
I get errors when I have compound characters:
\XMLDBcontinuepartrue\ignorespaces Kleine \dobuildtextaccent\char 127 A{}nderung
It should be
\dobuildtextaccent{\char 127} A
for it to be valid. Or it should be
\buildtextaccent\textdiaeresis A
-- Simon Pepping email: spepping@scaprea.hobby.nl