Hello, in enco-uc.tex there are some definitions which use "combining" accents: \definecharacter textgrave {\uchar3{0}} \definecharacter textacute {\uchar3{1}} \definecharacter textcircumflex {\uchar3{2}} \definecharacter texttilde {\uchar3{3}} \definecharacter textmacron {\uchar3{4}} \definecharacter textbreve {\uchar3{6}} \definecharacter textdotaccent {\uchar3{7}} \definecharacter textdiaeresis {\uchar3{8}} \definecharacter textring {\uchar3{10}} \definecharacter texthungarumlaut {\uchar3{11}} \definecharacter textcaron {\uchar3{12}} \definecharacter textogonek {\uchar3{40}} But this is almost useless, since those fonts that have things like "ccaron" missing (which are exactly the ones for which such kind of definitions might be useful) don't have any glyphs on those slots. Appart from that \buildtextaccent is used for "combining", so there should be no real need for using "combining accents" at that place. Here's a copy of relevant lines from contextnames.txt (as a refence to which values the values above should be changed if others agree): 005E;asciicircum;textasciicircum;CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT 0060;grave;textgrave;GRAVE ACCENT 00A8;dieresis;textdiaeresis;DIAERESIS 00AF;macron;textmacron;MACRON 00B4;acute;textacute;ACUTE ACCENT 00B8;cedilla;textcedilla;CEDILLA 02C6;circumflex;textcircumflex;MODIFIER LETTER CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT 02C7;caron;textcaron;CARON 02D8;breve;textbreve;BREVE 02D9;dotaccent;textdotaccent;DOT ABOVE 02DA;ring;textring;RING ABOVE 02DB;ogonek;textogonek;OGONEK 02DC;tilde;texttilde;SMALL TILDE 02DD;hungarumlaut;texthungarumlaut;DOUBLE ACUTE ACCENT Would it be possible to fix those lines in enco-uc.tex? (Writing because I needed to use ccaron in one of the fonts which doesn't have that. After redefining textcaron to a proper value it worked OK for that specific font.) Thanks, Mojca