No. You wrote that this possibility is mentioned somewhere. Where?
in the pdf specs
Hmmm. I can find only (p. 92 1.6spec): "The absence of this entry (/Encrypt) from the trailer dictionary means that the document is not encrypted." It seems to me now that rights without passwords relies with /Perms in catalog (p.117, 699) and signatures (p.684). Something like: ----------------------------- \pdfcompresslevel=0 \immediate\pdfobj {<< /Type /Sig /Filter % something from Adobe.PPKLite Entrust.PPKEF CICI.SignIt VeriSign.PPKVS /Contents % signature /ByteRange %?? UR3 in /Perms /P -4 >>} \edef\DocMDPobj{\the\pdflastobj\space 0 R } \immediate\pdfobj {<< /Type /Sig /Filter % something from Adobe.PPKLite Entrust.PPKEF CICI.SignIt VeriSign.PPKVS /Contents % signature /ByteRange %?? UR3 in /Perms /P -4 >>} \edef\URRRobj{\the\pdflastobj\space 0 R } \pdfcatalog{/Perms << /DocMDP \DocMDPobj /UR3 \URRRobj >> } Hallo \end ------------------------------ Sorry for uncomplete code, but I have not studied the signatures yet. And sorry for a bit out of ConTeXt topic. Hans, is it time to move to the pdftex list? Vit Zyka