Am Tue, 5 Jul 2011 16:13:14 +0200
schrieb Willi Egger
As Hraban mentions it might be best to place the two tables with \placefigure + startcombination .. \stopcombination.
If you want to stick to the columnsets and this is for this single page only, then you could place the spanning text in a \framedtext. The placefigure command must be place right after the \startcolumnset command. This you could place with \placefigure like this:
\placefigure [btlr] [] {none} {\offset[y=-7cm]{\framedtext[width=\makeupwidth,offset=0pt,frame=off] {Zwar werden ...}}}
With the offset you can move the text-box to the position you want it.
Hi Willy, Hraban forces the problem in a wrong way. I wish the eliminination of the pagebreak after "\stopcolumnset". It is for me not of interest what contents the columns have. I wish the following: text text text < flow text text text text xxxxxx xxxxxx < /startcolumnset xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx < /stopcolumnset text text text < flow text text text text and all of that on the same page by using "columnset". Is it possible and if true, how is it possible. Bernd