ah, so what then about: hngl
Oh, I just got it (by reading the second edition of Ken Lunde's _CJKV_): you're confusing the script tag with the *feature* tag 'hngl', which is also short for Hangul, but has different semantics: it's a feature supposed to replace a Hanja by the Hangul(s) that correspond to its possible pronounciation(s). Not very common, I guess, and in any case, ConTeXt doesn't have the interface to address this feature: it would need to present the user with all the possible Hanguls, and ask him to choose the appropriate one among them (i.e., this is one of those OpenType features that needs some interactivity, like, for example, 'aalt'). Anyway, I really wonder how that feature made it into the OpenType spec: it seems really specific, and OpenType doesn't have the equivalent feature for Japanese Kanjis, which could be tortured just the same if one would want to. Arthur