On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 11:58:24AM +0100, Jaroslav Hajtmar wrote:
Hello Kumar. I make my PDF animations so that I first create a single multi-page PDF file whose separate pages are separate animation frames. Then this auxiliary PDF file I put into another PDF file using \ fieldstack. Here's how I prepare a separate animation file.
\def\setmyparameter#1#2{% \global\def\myparameter{#2}#1% }%
\def\processmyparameters[#1]#2% {\processcommalist[#1]{\setmyparameter{#2}}}
\startbuffer [greenbar] \blackrule[width=\myparameter, height=5mm, color=green] \stopbuffer
\processmyparameters[1cm,2cm,3.5cm,4.5cm,8cm,11cm]{ \getbuffer[greenbar]\page}
Thank you for this solution. I just tried this, and this works well for me as well! Kumar -- Kumar Appaiah