For those who use it: what are the main highlights of lgrind? I only googled a bit, but I didn't install it yet, so I can't say anything about it yet. What do you think about idea of letting the code pass through vim? I already asked about it, but here are also some preliminary results: http://pub.mojca.org/tex/vim/fromlgrind/ Just to show that it's not that hard. I only deleted 70% of the 2html.vim and replaced one line or two. (To get really good results more has to be done of course, but for the beginning ...) I took the example assembler code from lgrind (vim support for assembler is not perfect as there are hundreds of assembler dialects, so please don't comment on bad recognition of syntax units or on my bad taste for style, but just to show some preliminary results and to be able to compare the results with those of lgrind). I produced HTML code out of the example and two PDFs, one with default original colors in my vim and one with some arbitrary style. OK, I admit, I cheated a bit when making PDFs (manually added header and footer, manually added the first space [\obeyspaces ignores the first ones], manually added colors), but this can be programmed. I don't know enough of ConTeXt internals to be able to start programming the support for it - I need syntax highlighting too, so I would be ready to invest some time and effort, but I can't do it without someone's help. However, supporing lgrind wouldn't be any easier I suppose, only the "vim" part is much more trivial than writing own parser and highlighting schemes for different languages. Vim is present on probably 99% of linux/unix systems and can be downloaded for Windows. The major problem is perhaps in achieving a kind of consistency (different vim settings on different computers, which have to be obeyed or discarded depending on user wish). The syntax for defining styles could look approximately like that: \setupsyntax[Identifier][color=darkblue,style=bold] \setupsyntax[Comment][color=gray,style=italic] Mojca