Hans Hagen
Jesse Alama wrote:
Hans Hagen
writes: Jesse Alama wrote:
LuaTools | runtime: 6.702 seconds Any ideas? looks ok to me
did you update mtxrun.lua -> mtxrun(.lua) in your bin path?
No, I didn't mess with that.
Is anyone else testing out the latest TeXLive developer snapshot? My experience has been that LuaTeX is broken. Perhaps it is premature to include LuaTeX in this year's TeXLive. Or perhaps the binaries and scripts that one gets when one downloads the latest TeXLive developer snapshot are too old. Or perhaps LuaTeX requires more (or different) configuration than is done in the texmf.cnf that is distributed with TeXLive.
you can best take Norberts packages then since they reflect the latest state of affairs and can be ahead of tex live (context in tex live is already frozen)
I'll try to get Norbert's packages -- thanks for the tip. As for TeXLive, it would be a real shame if the TL2008 DVD were shipped with a busted LuaTeX+MkIV installation. I for one am quite enthusiastic about these two projects, so it was disheartening to come across such a basic problem. Perhaps I should post to the tex-live mailing list and ask whether other testers are having similar trouble. Jesse -- Jesse Alama (alama@stanford.edu)