Hello, I have some problems with Scite after updating (new installing) scite. The scite version is 1.66 (Nov 23 2005 16:59:09) on WinXP. I copied the *.properties files from cont-tmf.zip (sorry I don't know which version this is but also downloaded it today from pragma) into the scite folder. I further added "input context" in SciTEglobal.properties and removed the "tex" entry there. My problems are: 1. when starting scite i get an error: attempt to call a string value
Lua: error occurred while loading startup script
The system cannot find the file specified." When I try the command:"texmfstart newtexexec.rb --autopdf --pdf to_do.tex" in the command line I get the file compiled without any
I assume this is due to "import scite-ctx" and in that file there is "ext.lua.startup.script=$(SciteDefaultHome)/scite-ctx.lua" which I don't have. My solution: I commended "import scite-ctx" out 2. When I try to compile a file then I get the message: ">texmfstart newtexexec.rb --autopdf --pdf to_do.tex problems. I absolutely don't have an idea whats going wrong here. 3. all text and context commands are in black and white. Is there a chance to get color back? Regards, Wolfgang