I'll take a look at this when I can. Note that some of the "flaws" may
actually be features since ArabTeX was largely designed with LaTeX in
mind. Some of the internal ArabTeX macros (like verses.sty) use LaTeX
commands like \mbox. I modified verses.sty for use in ConTeXt with my own
(under heavy development) Arabic package that is already much more
versatile (and beautiful;->) than ArabTeX. If u're willing to try out
eomega in ConTeXt there is another rudimentary Arabic package already
available for ConTeXt that I described to this list a few months back, but
it uses a bland font and a different transcription scheme (still worth
checking out though). My own package is based on the ArabTeX transcription
but is not ready for general release yet.
But I'll try to look at your problem towards the end of this month.
On Wed, 7 Jan 2004 23:17:11 +0100, R. Ermers
A number of flaws in the ArabicTeX support for ConteXt
-- Professor Idris Samawi Hamid Department of Philosophy Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523