30 Jun
30 Jun
9 a.m.
On Sun, 28 Jun 2015 12:59:26 +0200
"Dr. Dominik Klein"
2.) Images without alternate text: According to Section 14.9.3 of [1], alternate descriptions in human readable text should be provided for images. It would be really helpful, if these could be defined in the source tex file, and then automatically added when creating the object in the structure tree. I.e. it would be nice to have something like:
\placefigure[top][Image Reference]{Caption}{ \externalfigure[cow.pdf][width=10cm][alternate text = "This images shows a beautiful cow."] }
Maybe the syntax could be: \externalfigure [cow] [width=10cm,marking={This image shows a beautiful cow}] (conforming to ConTeXt style) Alan