Alan BRASLAU mailto:alan.braslau@cea.fr 13. Februar 2016 um 00:23 Hi,
Basic font switches are bold (\bf), italic (\it), slanted (\sl), ... and one can have bolditalic (\bi), boldslated (\bs), etc. We also have style=bold, style=slanted, etc.
Is there some way to manipulate font switches so that \bold{This text is \slated{bold}} for example, would put the word "bold" into boldslanted?
A natural use of this is, e.g. headers that get typeset in bold. What if the title contains a word, say, in slanted (or, worse, some mathematics)?
There are a few font switches which change the style dependant on the current style \starttext \starttabulate[|l|f{\tf}l|f{\it}l|f{\sl}l|f{\bf}l|f{\bi}l|f{\bs}l|] \NC \NC \tttf \tex{tf} \NC \tttf \tex{it} \NC \tttf \tex{sl} \NC \tttf \tex{bf} \NC \tttf \tex{bi} \NC \tttf \tex{bs} \NC\NR \NC \NC Text \NC Text \NC Text \NC Text \NC Text \NC Text \NC\NR \NC \tex{em} \NC \em Text \NC \em Text \NC \em Text \NC \em Text \NC \em Text \NC \em Text \NC\NR \NC \tex{boldface} \NC \boldface Text \NC \boldface Text \NC \boldface Text \NC \boldface Text \NC \boldface Text \NC \boldface Text \NC\NR \NC \tex{typeface} \NC \typeface Text \NC \typeface Text \NC \typeface Text \NC \typeface Text \NC \typeface Text \NC \typeface Text \NC\NR \NC \tex{swapface} \NC \swapface Text \NC \swapface Text \NC \swapface Text \NC \swapface Text \NC \swapface Text \NC \swapface Text \NC\NR \stoptabulate \stoptext but I guess you’re looking for something like this (similar to the LaTeX font system): \unprotect \def\texttf_direct {\ifx\fontalternative\s!it \tf \else \ifx\fontalternative\s!sl \tf \else \ifx\fontalternative\s!bi \bf \else \ifx\fontalternative\s!bs \bf \fi\fi\fi\fi} \def\textbf_direct {\ifx\fontalternative\s!tf \bf \else \ifx\fontalternative\s!it \bi \else \ifx\fontalternative\s!sl \bs \fi\fi\fi} \def\textit_direct {\ifx\fontalternative\s!tf \it \else \ifx\fontalternative\s!sl \it \else \ifx\fontalternative\s!bf \bi \else \ifx\fontalternative\s!bs \bi \fi\fi\fi\fi} \def\textsl_direct {\ifx\fontalternative\s!tf \sl \else \ifx\fontalternative\s!it \it \else \ifx\fontalternative\s!bf \bs \else \ifx\fontalternative\s!bi \bs \fi\fi\fi\fi} \def\textem_direct {\ifx\fontalternative\s!tf \it \else \ifx\fontalternative\s!it \tf \else \ifx\fontalternative\s!sl \tf \else \ifx\fontalternative\s!bf \bi \else \ifx\fontalternative\s!bi \bf \else \ifx\fontalternative\s!bs \bf \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi} \def\texttf_indeed{\bgroup\texttf_direct\let\nexttoken} \def\textbf_indeed{\bgroup\textbf_direct\let\nexttoken} \def\textit_indeed{\bgroup\textit_direct\let\nexttoken} \def\textsl_indeed{\bgroup\textsl_direct\let\nexttoken} \def\textem_indeed{\bgroup\textem_direct\let\nexttoken} \unexpanded\def\texttf{\doifelsenextbgroup\texttf_indeed\texttf_direct} \unexpanded\def\textbf{\doifelsenextbgroup\textbf_indeed\textbf_direct} \unexpanded\def\textit{\doifelsenextbgroup\textit_indeed\textit_direct} \unexpanded\def\textsl{\doifelsenextbgroup\textsl_indeed\textsl_direct} \unexpanded\def\textem{\doifelsenextbgroup\textem_indeed\textem_direct} \protect \starttext text {\textbf text \textit text \texttf text \textsl text} text {\textit text \textbf text \textsl text \texttf text} text \textbf{text \textit{text} \textsl{text \texttf{text} text}} text {\textem text \textem text} {\bf text \textem text \textem text} \stoptext Wolfgang