I've not tested this, but suspect that there may be a difference between the below two commands \lastpage and \totalnumberofpages
These are actually synonyms ;-) But it’s true, there is the difference between counting the real pages (the number of sheets you need to print the pdf) and the user pages: ································································· \setuphead[section][page=yes]%% for testing \setuppagenumber[state=stop] \starttext %% synonyms: \lastpage, \lastrealpage, \nofrealpages last real page: \totalnumberofpages \par %% synonyms: \nofuserpages, \lastuserpagenumber last user page: \lastpagenumber\par %% for sake of completeness first real page \firstpage \par \chapter{no counting} \dorecurse{5}{% \section{iteration \recurselevel} \starttable[|l|l|] \NC counter \NC value \NC\NR \NC userpageno \NC \realpagenumber \NC\NR \NC pageno \NC \userpagenumber \NC\NR \stoptable } \setuppagenumber[state=start] \chapter{counting enabled} \dorecurse{5}{% \section{iteration \recurselevel} \starttable[|l|l|] \NC counter \NC value \NC\NR \NC userpageno \NC \realpagenumber \NC\NR \NC pageno \NC \userpagenumber \NC\NR \stoptable } ································································· There are further counters and synonyms, all defined in strc-pag.mkiv. Regards Philipp
possibly depending on whether title pages or preambles are counted.
On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 1:12 PM, Marco Patzer
wrote: 2012-10-16 Nicholas Ulle:
Hi Nicholas
How would I go about inserting the total number of pages in my document?
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