Hello all, I'm a total newbie Context user trying to do something that is apparently way beyond me. I'm trying to set up a conceptual three-column design grid. The idea was to use the two columns on the right for body text, the column on the left for margin paragraphs, and the full three-column spread for headings. The easiest way I could find to set such a thing up was this: \setuplayout[backspace=3.083in, leftmargin=2.083in, leftmargindistance=.25in, width=4.417in, rightmargin=1in] where "leftmargin" represents the leftmost column and "width" represents the other two columns (plus gutter). So far so good. To get my heading to stretch across all three conceptual columns, I thought I'd use something along the lines of: \start \startlocal \setuplayout[...] \stoplocal \section{This heading was supposed to start at the left edge of the left margin and wrap at the right edge of the text area} \stop where [...] would eliminate the left margin and margindistance and re-allocate that space to the text width. However, I haven't yet found any [...] that does the trick. Whether my approach is basically right or totally wrong, I'd love to get guidance on the best way to typeset a heading across both the margin and the text area. I'm aware that it's trivial to make section numbers appear in the margin; this is not the solution I'm looking for, though. Thanks for your help, Aric