Hi Mikeal,
Am 19.02.2013 um 10:50 schrieb Mikael P. Sundqvist
On Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 10:29 AM, Hans Hagen
wrote: [snip, snip]
a next step (already partially done) is that we organize the names in dictionaries as in open math (a bit of work)
Me, I prefer names that reflect the their functions,
me too and i wonder if we should have proper names as well i.e. use verbose names as default (in char-def.lua) and define the short ones as synonyms (in a tex file)
[snip, snip]
Fine. In principal I've nothing against typing || for double bars (even though people moving from TeX/LaTeX probably will be used to | for one bar and \| for two bars). Some questions:
* Can one expect to get the right (that is the same as \Vert gives) spacing by typing || (two bars) in ConTeXt in the future? I think we need to find a between input shortcuts and feasiblity. One could just use unicode 02016 and \Vert. In unicodemath you also have \Vvert for three bars.
* Sometimes one would like to write absoulte value of z times absolute value of w, i.e. |z| times |w|. What if one writes |z||w|, will the double bar in the middle be equivalent to \Vert? (That is not wanted) The proper way to lay this out is with a little whitspace between the to values, so input should be |z| |w| and not as |z||w| !
* Will it be possible to write \Bigl|| and \Bigr|| to scale both bars to other sizes? * What if one would like to have three bars with the same spacing between the bars as in \Vert? See above!
regards Keith.