On Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 16:46, R. Bastian wrote:
for printing python scripts, i wish that the code to be \tt and the reserved word \bold. They are but so lightly that the difference is quasi not visible.
The normal text is [sansserif, 10 pt].
Is there a solution?
The best thing would be to bribe the Polish to add that font. (Though at the moment they are trying to catch the tight deadlines for releasing OpenType Math in LM, so it's not sure that they would have time to work on it before they release math fonts.) On Sun, May 2, 2010 at 10:45, R. Bastian wrote:
On Sat, 01 May 2010 12:32:22 +0200 Wolfgang Schuster scribit:
Yes. The contrats of the tex fonts cmtt10& cmttb10 is good (for me :). Bat, due to the Minimal installation, context can not found this fonts which exists in the texlive tree (from 2007) - i use them with plain tex.
They are Type3 (or is it from cm-super set)? We somehow deliberately decided to drop support for Type3 fonts in minimals.
%\definetypeface [mainface] [tt] [mono] [modern-light] [default] % no bold style, why?
Thanks Wolfgang, I will try your proposal when I will be back - and try to install a complete installation of Context.
Complete installation of ConTeXt won't help you (maybe ConTeXt scheme from TeX Live could help). There is no appropriate LM font available and we didn't add CM fonts to installation. Mojca