For Russian I have: \setuplanguage[ru][patterns={ru}]\mainlanguage[ru] \definefallbackfamily [archimate] [ss] [Helvetica] [preset=range:cyrillic, tf=style:light, it=style:lightoblique, bf=style:regular, bi=style:oblique, force=yes, rscale=1.0] \definefontfamily [archimate] [ss] [Optima] \setupbodyfont[archimate] I can’t find out from ConTeXtgarden what code I must use for modern Greek (‘el’?) and what range I must use for Greek characters (I guess ‘greekandcoptic’ which I’ve seen mentioned somewhere). Correct? Gerben Wierda (LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/gerbenwierda) R&A IT Strategy https://ea.rna.nl/ (main site) Book: Chess and the Art of Enterprise Architecture https://ea.rna.nl/the-book/ Book: Mastering ArchiMate https://ea.rna.nl/the-book-edition-iii/