Hi, This is related to a bug report for the filter module: https://github.com/adityam/filter/issues/60 Normally, when the same figure is included twice, context only includes the figure once and refers to the included figure the second time. The option `object=no` to externalfigure is supposed to prevent that, but it doesn't work. For example, consider the following example the bug-report uses graphviz as the external program, but I have changed that to context to keep things self contained) \usemodule[filter] \defineexternalfilter [graphviz] [ filter=context --purge, output=\externalfilterbasefile.pdf, readcommand=\ReadPDF, ] \def\ReadPDF#1% {\externalfigure[#1][object=no]} \starttext Circle: \startgraphviz \startMPpage draw fullcircle scaled 1cm; \stopMPpage \stopgraphviz Square: \startgraphviz \startMPpage draw fullsquare scaled 1cm; \stopMPpage \stopgraphviz \stoptext Behind the scenes, the first \startgraphviz ... \stopgraphviz environment writes the content to an external file (\jobname-temp-graphviz.tmp), runs `context --purge \jobname-temp-graphviz.tmp`, which creates `\jobname-temp-graphviz.pdf`. The `\ReadPDF` macro then includees the file (with object=no). At the next \startgraphviz .. \stopgraphviz, the same process is repeated. The `\jobname-temp-graphviz.pdf` file is overwritten and the new file should have been included. But it is not. The output contains the first image twice. I thought that object=no should have prevented the reuse. In fact, if I compile the file with luatex, I get an error message: ! error: (pdf inclusion): file has changed '12-two-outputs-temp-graphviz.pdf' mtx-context | fatal error: return code: 256 Any idea why object=no is not working? Thanks, Aditya