On Fri, 19 Jan 2024, Hans Hagen via ntg-context wrote:
On 1/19/2024 12:34 AM, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
On Thu, 18 Jan 2024, Hans Hagen wrote:
Of course we'll never be as fast as (pure) plain tex (no layers added) or latex (which often is advocated as faster than context).
I was curious, so did a quick experiment: typeset \input knuth 500 times. Here are the results:
pdflatex: 547 pages/sec lualatex: 308 pages/sec
opentype or type 1 ?
type 1. I did not change anything in the defaults. I'll try to figure out how to load opentype fonts in latex, and test lualatex.
MKIV: 130 pages/sec LMTX: 147 pages/sec
that is weird as lmtx is always faster here (we loose some 15% on the backend compared to luatex, maybe even more, but we gain back quite a bit elsewhere for various reasons)
LMTX is faster for me as well.
Interestingly, pdflatex, lualatex, and MkIV all generated pdf with 1112 pages, while LMTX generated a pdf with 1250 pages. Both MkIV and LMTX take the same time to run (8.5 sec) but LMTX generates more pages so it is faster.
Of course, this is a meaningless experiment from a practical point of view as a 1000 page document will be more complex than just text. % engine=pdftex 1.2 % engine=luatmetatex 1.6 % engine=luatex 1.8 % engine=xetex 2.4
\dorecurse{500} { \input knuth \par }
125 pages, so how does your test file look
5000 recursions (not 500, sorry about that). \starttext \dorecurse{5000}{\ReadFile{knuth}} \stoptext I'll send you the PDFs offlist. Aditya