Maurice Diamantini (dom) wrote:
Le 7 janv. 06 � 13:50, Hans Hagen a �crit :
No, that will not work. After much probing I found the culprit. The framedtext takes the full linewidth and apparently does not reduces it to the given size. Therefore enclosing in a vbox seems necessary: \vbox{\hsize=framesize\startframedtext{width=framesize ...
Question for Hans Hagen: is it an option letting framedtext set the hsize when a specific width is given?
\hbox to \hsize \bgroup \startframedtext[none][width=.5\textwidth] \input tufte \stopframedtext \startframedtext[none][width=.5\textwidth] \input zapf \stopframedtext \egroup
Why is it not possible to simply use the \framed command (with some magic option to put text into it) to do the obove thing? \startframed[width=.5\textwidth, xxxx] \input tufte \stopframed \startframed[width=.5\textwidth, xxxx] \input zapf \stopframed
in most cases you can use framed (make sure that you set 'align' to something in order to enter vmode) framedtext is a bit more clever and handles some spacing issues
If it is impossible, is there any equivalent to de minipage or \parbox LaTeX equivalent?
i dunno what those are, vboxes? Hans