Am 2011-08-20 um 10:19 schrieb Aditya Mahajan:
The other thing is to be able to change linespace, papersize, offset, etc using parameters, so that one can say: \startlilypond[linespace=...] ... \stoplilypond This will require some lua side processing.
You mean, translate ConTeXt-style settings to LilyPond settings, like we did with the old module? Yes. That wouldn’t make much sense. LilyPond just has too much settings. And most of them you can set in different ways. To fully support this, you’d need a complete LilyPond parser including Scheme. And a small set of settings is never the right set for everyone. OK.
Or we support the same set of options as lilypond-book (the LaTeX module), see http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.14/Documentation/usage/music-fragment-options
Ok, there are a few settings that we could translate, e.g. set ConTeXt’s main fonts also for LilyPond.
Agreed. Does anyone know how to get the name of the current font in MkIV?
We don’t need LilyPond's layout settings, as long as we go the \externalfigure path.
But I think that at least automatic paper size settings (set paper size to be equal to text area) are needed.
I wouldn’t try to adapt LilyPond’s paper size, but only set line width and use lilypond-book mode to get cropped scores. Otherwise we would need to account for margins and place the score with negative offset etc. At least for full scores it would make sense to synchronize: - line width to \textwidth - fonts: #(define fonts (make-pango-font-tree "TeX Gyre Schola" "LMSans10" "LMTypewriter10 Regular" (/ 14 20))) I’d even suggest to set Schola as ConTeXt’s default font in t- lilypond. - staff size according to body font (staff size 14 matches bodyfont 8.5pt) General settings: - no point-and-click: #(ly:set-option (quote no-point-and-click)) - no headers/footers/titles/pagination - ragged bottom - no indents (but that might be a matter of taste, since it’s LilyPond default to indent the first line) - keep lyrics inside line: \override PaperColumn #'keep-inside-line = ##t Everything else is just a matter of taste and design, I guess.
I don’t know a solution for line breaking of scores - if you’d set LilyPond’s page size to ConTeXt’s remaining space, it would stay the same for the second page. Perhaps we can get single lines (systems) and let ConTeXt to the page breaking. I’ll look into that. OK.
I’m waiting for answers from the LP ML.
But I don’t know how we can make it "right" WRT LilyPond snippets - I’d want to align a note systems’s base line with ConTeXt’s text baseline, but the height and clipping of a snippet depends on the visible elements. Without some picture analysis (or runtime data from LilyPond, that doesn’t exist AFAIK) you need to adjust your snippets manually.
Does lilypond-book handle this at all? It does not appear to. Manually adjusting each inline snippet will be too much work, IMO.
Do you know how lilypond numbers its output files. In some cases I get filename-1.pdf sometimes not. Can I force it to always give filename-1.pdf or always give filename.pdf
LilyPond adds a number to EPS, if there’s more that one page. But in my songbook setup, I always get a filename-temp-lilypond- ##.eps plus an identical filename-temp-lilypond-##-1.eps
When you order more than one \midi{} in several \score blocks, the first MIDI file is unnumbered, the second gets number 1 etc.; didn’t try with different \layout blocks yet.
Seems like I must do some tests with multipage scores.
Look at the current version on github. It should be able to handle multi-page snippets.
Problem is, if a multi-page score starts somewhere mid-page, e.g. below a title, LilyPond doesn’t know to break early enough. Please use -dno-gs-load-fonts i.e. *don’t* let GhostScript load its own fonts, since all needed fonts are in the (E)PS anyway, that makes processing faster. Current version doesn’t work at all: - it writes the buffer with doubled filename and extension parts, i.e. from foo.tex "foo-foo-temp-lilypond.tmp.tmp", but looks for "foo-temp- lilypond.tmp". - even if I rename the buffer file, LilyPond isn’t run. t-filter > current filter : lilypond t-filter > base file : test1-temp-lilypond t-filter > input file : test1-temp-lilypond.tmp t-filter > output file : t-filter > command : Greetlings from Lake Constance --- fiëé visuëlle Henning Hraban Ramm http://www.fiee.net http://angerweit.tikon.ch/lieder/ https://www.cacert.org (I'm an assurer)