Dear list, with the (almost minimal) example below, I hoped that the frame would be recalculated at every page. But it is not (they all look the same in my output pdf). How can I force the frame to be redrawn at every page? Btw, If I change the uniqueMPgraphic to useMPgraphic (everywhere) my file does not compile anymore. I get some lua error. /Mikael \setuppapersize[S6][S6] \setuplayout[ width=fit, height=fit, margin=1pt, topspace=0.5cm, headerdistance=0.3cm, footerdistance=0.5cm, footer=14pt, backspace=1.5cm, location=middle, ] \startuniqueMPgraphic{figram} path q; rr:=7mm; StartPage; q := lrcorner Field[RightMargin][Header] -- llcorner Field[LeftMargin][Header] -- ulcorner Field[LeftMargin][Footer] -- urcorner Field[RightMargin][Footer] -- cycle; draw q withcolor 0.7white; draw (urcorner q)--((urcorner q) xshifted 1bp+(uniformdeviate rr)) withcolor .7white; draw (urcorner q)--((urcorner q) yshifted 1bp+(uniformdeviate rr)) withcolor .7white; draw (ulcorner q)--((ulcorner q) xshifted -1bp-(uniformdeviate rr)) withcolor .7white; draw (ulcorner q)--((ulcorner q) yshifted 1bp+(uniformdeviate rr)) withcolor .7white; draw (llcorner q)--((llcorner q) xshifted -1bp-(uniformdeviate rr)) withcolor .7white; draw (llcorner q)--((llcorner q) yshifted -1bp-(uniformdeviate rr)) withcolor .7white; draw (lrcorner q)--((lrcorner q) xshifted 1bp+(uniformdeviate rr)) withcolor .7white; draw (lrcorner q)--((lrcorner q) yshifted -1bp-(uniformdeviate rr)) withcolor .7white; StopPage; \stopuniqueMPgraphic \defineoverlay[figram][\uniqueMPgraphic{figram}] \setupbackgrounds[page][background=figram] \starttext \dorecurse{10}{\input knuth} \stoptext