Is there any reason why the following MWE does not produce the footnote at the bottom of the page? It seems like the use of framedtext is preventing it, but am not sure why. Can I get around this problem and still have framed text? Julian \setupframed[location=middle] \startframedtext[width=.77\makeupwidth,corner=round] The poems of St John of the Cross have been important for me in recent years. This is John’s prayer from a verse in his Spiritual Canticle:\footnote{John of the Cross, {\em Spiritual Canticle}, stanza 32. } \startblockquote You looked with love upon me, and deep within, your eyes imprinted grace. This mercy set me free, held in your love’s embrace, to lift my eyes adoring to your face. \stopblockquote I wonder how often John prayed that prayer. \stopframedtext