24 Feb
24 Feb
9:10 a.m.
Mohamed Bana wrote:
maybe someone should research LuaJIT; http://luajit.org/
The fine print on LuaJIT: * Only x86 (i386+) CPUs are supported right now (but see below). That is the first, main reason why luajit is not included in luatex yet. The other reason is that we don't expect that much improvement because most of the lua code inside luatex is not running at full interpreter speed anyway: mkiv is spending much of its time in creating tables and table keys and the garbage collector (we benchmarked this) neither of those task will benefit from luajit. There would be some speed gain, but not a lot. I am waiting for luajit 2.0 and hoping it will support more architectures. Best wishes, Taco