According to http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Layout#Multiple_layouts, you can
do this by using the commands \setuplayout[yourcustomlayout] and
\setuplayout[reset] at the location you want to change the layout.
Wagner Macedo
On 25 January 2012 23:41, Peter Park Nelson
First-page layout is an issue that I have asked about before, but maybe I am doing something wrong. Here is my question in an earlier thread: http://archive.contextgarden.net/message/20111228.041922.c60f9cd5.en.html .
I want to define a layout for the first page of my document with different header and footer formatting -- specifically, no header and a large footer to hold publication information. Based on examples on Contextgarden and this list, I think my code below is correct. However, the first page formatting is continued on all pages of the document. The effect is the same when using \definelayout[first] and \definelayout[1].
setuppapersize[letter][letter] \setupindenting[yes, medium]
\setuplayout [width=middle, backspace=15mm, topspace=10mm, height=254mm, header=10mm, % normal header headerdistance=5mm, footer=5mm, footerdistance=5mm, grid=yes]
\definelayout [first] [width=middle, backspace=15mm, topspace=10mm, height=254mm, header=0mm, % no header headerdistance=0mm, footer=25mm, % big footer footerdistance=5mm, grid=yes]
\setupheadertexts [This is a header] [pagenumber] [pagenumber] [Some text]
\setupfootertexts [footer] [footer] [footer] [footer]
\dorecurse{20}{\input tufte\par}