Am 29.01.2014 um 21:33 schrieb Aditya Mahajan
On Wed, 29 Jan 2014, Fabrice Couvreur wrote:
Hi, I want to use the Lucida fonts. I understand that these are commercial fonts that I must buy. What should buy and where ? In the meantime, I tried to test the following file :
\loadtypescriptfile[lucida-typeone] \setupbodyfont[lucida,12pt]
If you don't have the fonts, but the opentype version of the font rather than the type1 version. If you have the type1 fonts, it should be possible to use them with ConTeXt.
When you have the type 1 version of the font and don’t need math the specserif and specsans typescripts can be used (\definefontfamily doesn’t work because context uses only the basic font loader for type 1 fonts): \definetypeface [mainface] [rm] [specserif] [Lucida Bright] [default] \definetypeface [mainface] [ss] [specsans] [Lucida Sans] [default] \setupbodyfont[mainface] \starttext \input knuth \ss \input knuth \stoptext Wolfgang