Pablo Rodriguez
-how can I make that the output is generated using T1 fonts? I mean the ConTeXt equivalence to LaTeX \usepackage [T1] {fontenc}.
You can switch to ec encoding by \setupencoding [default=ec] This should give you fonts in T1 encoding (what are T1-fonts?)
-after above questions, I'd like to know whether it is any kind of documentation that explains ConTeXt to LaTeX users.
Berend de Boer has written a very good document "LaTeX in proper ConTeXt". Don't have the URL here, sorry. I guess, you can find Berends page trough the pragma-ade.com website (other users) or via google.
-I don't know why, but my ConTeXt installation seems not to be able to use another font than cm. (I know that MikTeX has change the font map maintenance file early this year.) Is it required to install the fonts 'twice': once for the TeX system and another time for ConTeXt? (I mean, what am I doing wrong?)
See http://levana.de/context/ and there the "typescript adobekb". Please write back if this is not working. Sorry I can't comment on your other questions. Patrick