Hello all, while working on my ebook, I found the following issues in mtx-epub.lua. Once a successful run is done, there is no need to try the other zippers. It also gives error messages, although everything is already done. Fix is attached. Then, I got confused about the error messages appearing 3 times and found an issue in texlua of TL2011 (beta-0.70.1-2011062107) as well as the newest standalone (beta-0.70.2-2012052309). Consider the following example: print(os.execute("abcxyz")) This gives in Lua 5.2: sh: abcxyz: command not found nil exit 127 But in texlua it does: sh: abcxyz: command not found 32512 This breaks the if conditional which becomes true, although there is no abcxyz command. If there are if statements such as this one in other places, they would not work as intended either. Andy 274,279c274,281 < if os.execute(format(zipper.uncompressed,epubfile,"mimetype")) then < os.execute(format(zipper.compressed,epubfile,"META-INF")) < os.execute(format(zipper.compressed,epubfile,"OPS")) < done = zipper.name < else < list[#list+1] = zipper.name ---
if not done then if os.execute(format(zipper.uncompressed,epubfile,"mimetype")) then os.execute(format(zipper.compressed,epubfile,"META-INF")) os.execute(format(zipper.compressed,epubfile,"OPS")) done = zipper.name else list[#list+1] = zipper.name end