Thank you all of you for your answers, all of them works ! I think that I will go with \enablemathpunctuation, which seems to handle both the text and math cases without any added special mark everywhere in the text. Bye, Seb. Eckhart Guthöhrlein wrote:
On Sun, May 11, 2003 at 05:19:13PM +0200, Sebastian Rooks wrote:
How can I get ConteXt to typeset numbers as it should be done in french in which we use a comma and not a point to separate units and decimals ? That is when I write \mathematics{5,3} I want to have 5,3 and not 5, 3 (with a small space between the comma and the 3), as it is when I use the english separator, a point.
Try \enablemathpunctuation and then write 5,3 for a decimal sign and f(x, y) if the comma is used as a list seperator. Search the list archive for subject "math punctuation", Hans added this some time ago. If you can't find it, I can forward the relevant messages to you.