Dne torek 27. julija 2010 ob 15:06:27 je John Haltiwanger napisal(a):
On Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 8:47 AM, Marcin Borkowski
wrote: Hi,
what an interesting discussion!
My personal point of view is that the so-called "political correctness" is something I actively fight against, by means of NOT using "they" or "Afroamericans" or other such strange inventions. These new words somehow remind me of Orwell's 1984...
So what do you write instead? Negro?
Personally I feel that the political correctness has gone a bit too far, but where the line should be drawn, I don't know. I can provide a few examples of where political correctness *has* gone too far and can actually be even counter-productive: In Slovenia it is rude to call Bosnians "Bosanci", Albanians "Šiptarji" and Gypsies "Cigani" and the official political correct terms for them are: "Bošnjaki", "Albanci" and "Romi". With first two the problem is that they even officially call _themselves_ "Bosanci" and "Šiptarji" in their own language. With the so called Roma people, the problem is even bigger, since to my knowledge Roma are just one of the tribes. So by having to call _all_ gypsies Roma, you are effectively putting one tribe in front of the others and denying the existence of the others. I have nothing against any of those ethnic groups, I'm merely trying to point out a problem. Cheers, Matija -- gsm: +386 41 849 552 www: http://matija.suklje.name xmpp: matija.suklje@gabbler.org