Dear Fabrice, I tried to compile your example, but not succeed. I am sorry that I couldn’t tell you what is the problem. Here is the part of the log file. One thing that I don’t understand is why it reads ##title and ##number, … Is it normal in log file? I hope that experts correct your example to work. Best regards, Dalyoung ***************** tex error > tex error on line 64 in file mylayout.mkiv: ! Illegal parameter number in definition of \MyHeader <to be read again> t <argument> ..., foregroundstyle=bold,foregroundcolor=red]{##t itle n\high {o}\,##number}... \dostarttexdefinition ...clf_texdefinition_two {#1 } l.64 \stoptexdefinition 54 [{\headerframed[align=middle, foregroundstyle=bold, 55 foregroundcolor=red] 56 {#title n\high{o}\,#number}}] 57 58 \setupheadertexts 59 [{\headerframed[align=flushleft, foregroundstyle=\ssx] 60 {Lycée JANSON DE SAILLY \\ \date[d=#day,m=#month,y=#year]}}] 61 [{\headerframed[align=flushright, foregroundstyle=\ssx] 62 {#where \\ {#time}}}] 63 64 >> \stoptexdefinition 65 66 \stopenvironment 67 ********************* A strange thing is that
2017. 8. 19. 오후 7:00, ntg-context-request@ntg.nl 작성:
Re: About \setupheadertexts : simplify a code