On Mon, Jan 20, 2003 at 10:07:45AM +0100, Hans Hagen wrote:
At 05:06 PM 1/18/2003 -0700, you wrote:
Is it possible to have parts of the ConTeXt file processed conditionally? I'm hoping to be able to do something like:
(in ConTeXt file)
Question: What is the derivative of $e^{sqrt{x}}$\\ \some-command-start Answer: $\frac{d}{dx} e^{sqrt{x}} ... $ \some-command-end
\defineblock [answer]
Interesting: Three of your users suggest using modes instead. I would have too. What made you choose blocks over modes here? Greetings Johannes -- Johannes Hüsing There is something fascinating about science. One gets hannes@ruhrau.de such wholesale returns of conjecture from such a trifling investment of fact. Mark Twain