On 3/31/07, Patrick Gundlach wrote:
Hi Arthur,
Your font is probably only in the texmf tree, it should be installed;
Ok, that was the problem.
Hmmm ... there must be a few additional lines somewhere in fontconfig.
If you wonder why it works "out of the box" on ConTeXtgarden Live, well, it must be because someone has installed it (and I should know ;-)
Next ConTeXt meeting
Great news ;) - I have already put you on the list ;) It seems to me that the list of attendands of the second meeting is going to be full even before the next meeting will be announced.
I won't go to sleep at all, just in case I could miss important changes (like switching to xetex at 4:44 a.m) :-))
Don't worry, Patrick ... I guess that I won't have any sleep in the last two weeks before the meeting, so you'll have to lock my account for safety reasons anyway ;) Just find a distraction for Arthur and you'll be on the safe side ;) Mojca